Treasure Island - Manitoulin Island
My Vacation Spot
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I am back for Part Three
I am Back!!!!
I am 27 years old, I have been teaching for four years. I teach grade 6 in Sarnia Ontario. I am hockey player and love all sports. I love to run and play in the snow ( like a big I am getting married this year, actually in four months, planing is going well but still stressful at times. We are having a big wedding as my fiance is Italian, We are looking at about 350 as of right now but we hoping to still get that number down. I have 3 wedding showers, a stage and doe, and two hockey tournaments all in the next four months. I am soooo looking forward to my honeymoon that we are going to take after the school year at the beginning of July. For our honeymoon we are going to go to New york for three days and then on a Nine day Eastern Caribbean Cruise. I can't wait I have never been on a cruise before!
My class is an interesting class I have a low number of 23 with 10 IEP's. They are a fun class but also a class that will keep you on your toes.
As I have mentioned last semester we were doing renovations on the house they are almost finished and will hopefully be done by the end on this week, it looks great and I am so happy it turned out the way it did, my fiance and I worked very well together which is great because he is a wonderful guy!!!
As for hockey, we are having a perfect season so far but we are heading to Toronto/Niagara region in March and the compitition is a little stiffer that way so it will be interesting to see how we make out this year. I play centre and have been playing hockey since I was four years old. I went to university in the states on a hockey sholarship in Ohio and from there I got my teaching degree as well as did a year of teaching there. It is completly different i am so glad I live in Canada!!!!
Anyway I look forward to working with all of you, this section looks like it is going to be a lot of hands on and I can't wait to try and learn new things.
Cori Forbes
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Chemical Reaction
On slide number 14 please click the video below......... Thanks
Power point movie
This is the movie I made that was suppose to play in my power point..... please view it and let me know what you think...I could not get it to play when I sent my power point...
Great way to use digital imagery and audio....
Cori Forbes
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hope you all have a great rest of the summer!!!!!
Cori Forbes
Monday, July 27, 2009
Jump Rope For Heart
I have been doing this for about three years....I thought it might be useful if any of you run "Jump Rope For Heart"
I use digital imagery in my Phys. Ed class by taking pictures of different movements I would like them to perform and they have to mimic the movement. A great example I like to use is “Jump Rope For Heart”. I take pictures of my students doing the specific jumping activity and then post it on a sign so when the different groups go to the station they have a visual of what they need to do. It works great for the little ones!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Digital Photograpy "getting to know eachother"
I thought of an idea for our students to express themselves and share with the class more about themselves. You could have the student take a camera home and take pictures of what he/she does throughout the day. Then have them write an autobiography about “A Typical Day in my Life”. You would have the option of having them do a picture essay or have them write about one picture. I thought it would be a great way to get your students familiar with everyone at the beginning of the year. It would also be a great idea for a diagnostic writing test to see where your students are at at the beginning of the year without them even knowing it!
I also found this really informative website with lots of information about using digital cameras in the classroom and different lesson plans.
Cori Forbes